What is the CCS?

The Scientific Body Council (Le Conseil du Corps Scientifique • CCS) succeeded in 2015 to the Coniversity Council of Scientific Personnel (CUPS) founded in 1968. The CCS is the institutional body of consultation and representation of the scientific staff of the University of Liege with the authorities of the institution.

The CCS includes representatives from each faculty, each CARE, each interfaculty research unit and the administrators who represent the scientific staff on the Board of Directors (BOD).

The scientific staff within the university

The scientific body is composed of all scientific staff and researchers funded by : 

  • the operating budget (the government),
  • research agreements (a heritage organisation),
  • institutionally recognised scientific foundations.

Several research and teaching support service partners are also included in the scientific staff.

Paid scientific staff represented more than 50% of the employees of the University of Liege (in full-time equivalent). This makes them the most represented body within the university.


Figure 1 : distribution of the paid staff of the University of Liege, according to their body and their stabilization.


As of 2015, the scientific corps includes more than 4,000 people at the University of Liege. They carry out research, supervision and administrative tasks. Unpaid collaborators represent more than a third of these people. Paid collaborators are paid by internal funds, ULiège, or external funds (FNRS, FRIA, national and international research projects, etc.).

Ajouter un titrefff

Figure 2 : distribution of the paid and unpaid scientific staff of the university of Liege according to their function.


The scientific body meets at least annually during a general assembly organized by the Scientific Body Council.


The university context is particularly complex and dynamic, and the first concern of the Scientific Council is to inform, represent and propose. The structure of the CCS allows for a continuous exchange of information and a monitoring process, which passes through the various representatives of the scientific staff in the University's bodies. Within this framework, the CCS fulfills the following missions within the University of Liege: 

  • It represents the scientific body within the Institution and in the inter-university consultation bodies. 
  • It organizes the reflections that concern the scientific career. 
  • It is the privileged interlocutor of the Authorities for all questions related to scientific personnel. 
  • It is the forum for interaction between the representatives of the scientific staff in all the bodies and commissions of the institution. In this way, the CSS is informed of the problems and issues in the different entities of the university. In addition, the structure allows the dissemination of institutional information to all scientific staff. 
  • It gives advice on all matters that directly or indirectly concern the scientific staff. It prepares its opinions on its own initiative or at the invitation of the authorities and partners. When necessary, working groups are formed within the CCS. 

It proposes to the Authorities the names of the representatives of the scientific staff in the institutional commissions. At the same time, the CCS maintains a public register of scientific staff representatives. 


The composition of the Scientific Council is defined every two years.

The SAC is composed of:

  • two elected representatives per faculty, 22 members
  • up to two representatives per non-faculty research entity, i.e:
    • ISLV: 2 members
    • Centre Spatial de Liège: 2 members
    • Administration centrale (RISE, ARH, ARF, ARI, AEE): 2 members
    • ULiège Library: 1 member
    • GIGA: 2 members
    • IFRES: 1 member
    • Digital Tools: 1 member
  • faculty chairs of the scientific staff, 11 members
  • representatives of the scientific staff on the Management Board, 4 members



The Scientific Council represents the diversity of status and affiliation of the scientific staff. Each faculty and each interfaculty research unit proposes representatives to the SAC. In addition, the representatives of the scientific staff on the University's Board of Directors are ex officio members of the CCS. 

Officially recognized by the university authorities, the CCS rules are approved by the University's Board of Directors. You can discover the updated composition and the rules of the CCS on the dedicated page. 

full rules (Restricted access)

Learn more about the Scientific Body Council (Restricted access)

Pour toute question :
Conseil du Corps Scientifique Comité de Contact FNRS 

Secrétariat administratif du CCS

Secrétariat administratif du CC FNRS

Madame Julie Remy

Bât. B53 – Aquapôle
Quartier Polytech 1
Allée de la Découverte, 11
4000 Liège (Sart Tilman)

+32 4 366 23 53


updated on 5/10/23

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