

Faculté de Philosophie et lettres
Département des sciences de l'antiquité
Langue et littérature latines

ULiège address
Bât. A1 Langue et littérature latines
place du 20-Août 7
4000 Liège
ULiège phone number
+32 4 3665381
ULiège Fax
+32 4 3665827
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Personal website (s)


Fabio Nolfo is Postdoctoral Researcher in 'Latin language and literature' at the «Département des Sciences de l'Antiquité» of the «Faculté de Philosophie et Lettres» of the «Université de Liège» (titles of his postdoctoral research projects: "Ovidian Textual Motifs in Late Antiquity" and "Motifs ovidiens et épistolographie"). He is Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) and "Doctor Europaeus" in Classics, «con Lode e dignità di stampa», that is, 'cum Laude' (top grade) and with the thesis adjudicated, unanimously, by the members of the examination committee 'worthy of publication'. He studied at the University of Macerata in co-tutelle with the Ludwig Maximilian University (LMU) of Munich, where he was also a member of the Ph.D. Program in 'Classical and Ancient Studies' coordinated by the «Münchner Zentrum für Antike Welten» (MZAW). He also studied at the University of Catania, Cologne, Vienna, Zurich (UZH), and St Andrews. He has published several articles and book chapters on late antique epigrams and on the literary afterlife of Vergil, Ovid, and Roman elegy. He is a member of the Editorial Board of the International Journal of Classical and Christian Studies «Sileno», of the «Laboratoire d'Analyse Statistique des Langues Anciennes» (L.A.S.L.A.), and an affiliated member of the «Venice Centre for Digital and Public Humanities» (VeDPH). Fabio Nolfo has also given invited papers in Austria, France, Germany, Italy, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom.

Research field

  • Langues et littérature latines
  • Langue et littérature grecque anciennes
  • Philologie classique
  • Lexicologie
  • Théorie de la littérature
  • Philosophie
  • Poétique
  • Rhétorique
  • Stylistique
  • Littérature comparée