

Faculté de Droit, de Science politique et de Criminologie
Département de science politique
Institutions publiques et histoires politiques
Faculté de Droit, de Science politique et de Criminologie
Secrétaire de Faculté (Droit, Sc. pol. et Crimino.)

ULiège address
Bât. B31 Institutions publiques et histoires politiques
Quartier Agora
place des Orateurs 3
4000 Liège 1
ULiège phone number
+32 4 3669660
ULiège Fax
+32 4 3664557
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Conseil sectoriel à la recherche et à la valorisation
Sciences humaines
Personal website (s)
Institut de la décision publique

University degrees
2007 : Licencié en Sciences Politiques (Université de Liège)
2008 : Master of Arts in European Political and Administrative Studies (College of Europe)
2012 : Doctorat en Sciences politiques et sociales (Université de Liège)
2019: Certificat Inter-facultaire de Développement Pédagogique en Enseignement Supérieur (Université de Liège)


Geoffrey Grandjean is Professor at the Faculty of Law, Political Science and Criminology of the University of Liege. He is the Chairman of the Department of Political Science since 2022. His research and teaching focus on Belgian and European political history and political institutions. He directs the Cahiers Mémoire et Politique and is a member of the editorial board of the journal Politics of the Low Countries. He was Visiting Professor at the Law School of Sciences Po Paris, in 2017 and 2021 and at the Research Centre on Justice and Conflict Resolution (Paris 2 Panthéon-Assas) in 2017. Between 2021 and 2024, he was the Chairman of the french-speaking Belgian Political Science Association. In 2022, he was appointed associate researcher at the Law School of Sciences Po Paris, for a three-year term.

In addition to his academic activities, Geoffrey Grandjean has also been Lecturer at the Provincial School of Administration of Liège and Namur (form 2013 to 2021). He is member of the Scientific College of the School of Public Administration. In September 2018, he takes over the presidency of the editorial board of the Presses Universitaires de Liège, of which he was appointed managing director in 2023. In June 2019, he becomes a member of the scientific committee of the Arenberg Foundation. In September 2019, he is appointed by the Government of the French Community as a member of the Conseil de transmission de la mémoire, of which he is president. In March 2021, he was appointed by the Walloon Government as an effective member of the Walloon Gender Equality Council.

Finally, he is active within the Cité through various associative commitments. Member of the jury for the Prix du livre politique and the selection comite of the Prix littéraire Paris-Liège, he is also director and member of various non-profit organizations (Lis-moi qui tu es, Jubilacion, Société Royale - Le Bastion, Agora and Centre liégeois de Documentation archivistique). Between 2018 and 2021, he has been Secretary General of the Société littéraire of Liège.

Passionate about old books, Geoffrey Grandjean is a graduate in bookbinding, gilding and restoration (École des Arts et Métiers de Liège, 2012, Grande distinction). Bibliophile (with a strong interest in 19th century books), he is also a member of the Société des Bibliophiles liégeois (seat no. 91) since 2017.

Research field

  • Institutions internes des états
  • Science politique administrative

Duties or mandates

  • Professor
  • Research Fellow at the Sciences Po law school
  • Chair of the Department of Political Science

Scientific distinctions

  • Prix du livre politique (2023)
  • Fonds David Constant : bourse de séjour au Centre de recherches politiques de Sciences Po Paris (2010)
  • Rotary International (District 1630) : bourse de séjour au Centre de recherches politiques de Sciences Po Paris (2010)

ULiège Course

Activités de remédiation - Histoire politique belge (Q2), 10h REM, AERTS Vincent, GRANDJEAN Geoffrey

Introduction to Belgian politics, 20h Th, GRANDJEAN Geoffrey

Histoire politique de la construction européenne, 30h Th, GRANDJEAN Geoffrey

Histoire politique belge, 60h Th, GRANDJEAN Geoffrey

Analyse de politiques européennes
- Principes généraux, compétences exclusives, partagées, d'appui, 30h Th, MICHEL Quentin
- Espace de liberté, sécurité et justice, 15h Th, GRANDJEAN Geoffrey

Pratique de l'argumentation politique, 30h Th, 15h Pr, GRANDJEAN Geoffrey

Judiciarisation des systèmes politiques et sociaux, 30h Th, GRANDJEAN Geoffrey

Droit et politique des collectivités locales, 30h Th, GRANDJEAN Geoffrey, PIRON Damien

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