Work at ULiège : personnel categories

Personnel categories

There are several types of personnel at University of Liège:

  • Academic personnel (full-time professors, lecturers...)
  • Final (first assistants, supervisors...) or temporary (assistants, researchers...) scientific personnel
  • Administrative, technical, and worker personnel (PATO)

In addition to these different categories, it is still possible to distinguish, depending on the source of funding by which it is paid, the personnel:

  • remunerated from the regular budget consisting of the operating allowance (i.e. a subsidy paid each year by the French Community to the University), student fees, income from movable and immovable property.
  • This personnel is of two types:
    • statutory (order of appointment)
    • heritage in the strict sense (employment contract)
  • remunerated by external sources of financing. This is referred to as "collective agreement" and "third party services" personnel. This personnel is still under an employment contract.

iconeDocument Download the "personnel categories" chart" (fr)

The status and identification number of each member of the ULiège personnel are shown on the pay slip.

Recruitment rules vary according to personnel category.

updated on 4/7/23

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