
Directrice de recherches FNRS & Fonds assoc.


Faculté de Psychologie, Logopédie et Sciences de l'Education
Département de Psychologie
Neuropsychologie de l'adulte
Faculté de Psychologie, Logopédie et Sciences de l'Education
Département de Psychologie
GIGA CRC In vivo Imaging - Aging & Memory

ULiège address
Bât. B33 Neuropsychologie
Quartier Agora
place des Orateurs 1
4000 Liège 1
ULiège phone number
+32 4 3662274
ULiège phone number
+32 4 3662369
ULiège Fax
+32 4 3662808
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Conseil sectoriel à la recherche et à la valorisation
Sciences humaines
University degrees
1993: Licence en Sciences Psychologiques (Université de Liège)
1998: Doctorat en Sciences Psychologiques (Université de Liège)
2007: Agrégation de l'enseignement supérieur (Université de Liège)


Fabienne COLLETTE is Research Director (F.R.S.-FNRS).  She is currently co-head of the GIGA-CRC Human Imaging research centre. She obtained a master degree (1993) and a PhD in Psychology (1998). During her career, she worked at the University of Liège and developed cognitive and neuroimaging (PET and fMRI) protocols to investigate high-level cognitive changes (executive and memory processes) in normal and pathological ageing. She mainly collaborated with Prof Martial Van der Linden, Eric Salmon and Pierre Maquet. Her research team takes an integrative approach to disentangle factors leading to successful or pathological cognitive aging, ranging from biology (e.g. genetic or sleep characteristics) to characteristics of daily life (e.g. the effect of physical activity or meditation practice).  She more recently developed a research topic on fatigue and cognition across the lifespan and in neurological diseases. This research work is supported by various grants from University of Liège, F.R.S.-FNRS, Belgian federal and European agencies, and private foundations.  She has also been invited speaker in several research centres in Europe and received two prestigious Belgian prize related to her research work in cognitive aging (Aline Fund from the King Baudouin Fundation and De Cooman Prize). She serves as a reviewer for several peer-reviewed journals and funding agencies.

ULiège Course

Neuropsychologie de la personne âgée [D], 15h Th, ADAM Stéphane, COLLETTE Fabienne, WILLEMS Sylvie

Neuropsychologie de la personne âgée [D], 15h Th, ADAM Stéphane, COLLETTE Fabienne, WILLEMS Sylvie

Méthodes d'évaluation et de diagnostic en neuropsychologie de l'adulte [D], 30h Th, 15h Pr, COLLETTE Fabienne, WILLEMS Sylvie

Méthodes d'évaluation et de diagnostic en neuropsychologie de l'adulte [D], 30h Th, 15h Pr, COLLETTE Fabienne, WILLEMS Sylvie

Neuroscience cognitive (Partim 1 : Fondements), 60h Th, BASTIN Christine, COLLETTE Fabienne, D'ARGEMBEAU Arnaud, DEVUE Christel, MAJERUS Steve, PONCELET Martine

Psychologie cognitive du vieillissement, 30h Th, BASTIN Christine, COLLETTE Fabienne

Psychologie cognitive du vieillissement, 15h Th, BASTIN Christine, COLLETTE Fabienne

Techniques d'imagerie cérébrale et de psychophysiologie, 30h Th, COLLETTE Fabienne, D'ARGEMBEAU Arnaud, HANSENNE Michel

Techniques d'imagerie cérébrale et de psychophysiologie, 30h Th, COLLETTE Fabienne, D'ARGEMBEAU Arnaud, HANSENNE Michel

Neuroscience cognitive (Partim 2 - Imagerie cérébrale), 30h Th, COLLETTE Fabienne, D'ARGEMBEAU Arnaud

Neurosciences cognitives, 30h Th, BASTIN Christine, COLLETTE Fabienne, D'ARGEMBEAU Arnaud, DEVUE Christel, MAJERUS Steve, PONCELET Martine