

Centre Interdisciplinaire de Recherches en Traduction et en Interprétation (CIRTI)

ULiège address
Bât. A1 Secrétariat de la Recherche en Faculté de Philo et Lettres
place du 20-Août 7
4000 Liège
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University degrees
2015: Bachelier en langues et littératures modernes (Université de Liège)
2017: Master en traduction, à finalité spécialisée (Université de Liège)
2019: Master en linguistique, à finalité approfondie (Université de Liège)


Presentation :

Given my training in modern languages and literature, translation and linguistics (specialization in text analytics), the doctoral project I am currently conducting was naturally centred on issues related to these various fields. Carried out under the joint supervision of the Université Grenoble Alpes, the thesis therefore addresses the question of literary machine translation and aims to evaluate the implementation of this new tool alongside more traditional software (CAT), as well as the help it could offer the literary translator and the limitations of this technology.

I also work occasionally as a freelance translator.

Current projects :

  • development of a custom machine translation system for literary works;
  • doctoral research focused on the use of new technologies in literary translation;
  • ongoing research on the notion of 'ludemes' and its application to the study of video games.

Research focus and areas of interest :

  • evolution of the translator's practices and representation;
  • computer-assisted literary translation;
  • literary machine translation;
  • video game semiotics.