The University of Liège has officially committed to a proactive policy with a global approach regarding risk management tied to its activity. This commitment in terms of Risk Management is part of a dynamic of continuous improvement, outreach and attractiveness.

RS4471 etudiant ulg175


Liège is committed to proceeding to the identification and management of risks and opportunities tied to the quality, health and safety of all members of the university community, as well as to the preservation of its property and the environment.

The risk management policy of ULiège aims to allow it to:

  • seize the opportunities presented to it or to its different constituent entities (Faculties, Research Units, Departments, Research Centres, Administrations...) to integrate the risk process throughout the entire University
  • increase its capacity to obtain its objectives in keeping with the timetable of its institutional strategic plan
  • encounter standard, legal and regulatory requirements to which it and its entities are subject
  • identify and manage as best as possible the particular risks or transversal risks common to several entities of the university
  • strengthen the confidence in the professionalism of its management on the part of its diverse stakeholders and external contacts, including financing bodies
  • minimise the financial and operational consequences of any potential incident.

Concretely, this commitment translates to the encouragement and support:

  • of the realisation and regular updating of risk registries, both at the ULiège level and within its several entities
  • of the implementation and monitoring of Feedback Committees (CREx) on risk thematics tied to the Institution's activity
  • of the execution of major and/or transversal risk management projects
  • of the implementation of information monitoring systems dedicated to priority risk problems.

The commitment of authorities is solidified by the set-up of a special institutional structure of integrated risk management (designated University Risk Management, "URM") overseen by the Administrator. Within it, the Office defines the main principles of the Risk Management policy, subject to the approval of the Rectoral College and the Board of Directors, while the operational unit's mission is to ensure the monitoring and support of these activities.

For the purpose of measuring the performance of this continuous and proactive risk management process, annual objectives are proposed by the Office, then communicated to the entire university community. In collaboration with the operational unit, it evaluates if the results obtained satisfy the objectives and proposes to the Rectoral college potential improvement actions and measures to the institutional policy.

updated on 5/12/23

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