methodological terms, the assessments implemented by the SMAQ are resolutely formative. The SMAQ guides and stimulates reflections through questions and themes identified by a large institutional consultation. It accompanies the assessments, ensures that they are carried out in an objective manner and that they confront the opinions of the various stakeholders. In this approach, the assessed entity is uniquely responsible for the definition of its mission and the objectives that it sets for itself: neither the SMAQ nor the external experts that the SMAQ calls upon can force it to take another path.

Assessments of training fields 

Between 2010 and 2015, ULiège, via the SMAQ, conducted an interim assessment of fields between two AEQES assessments, namely at five years. This constituent assessment is an assessment either following the AEQES conclusions and action plan implemented, and allowing for a possible adjustment of the objectives pursued and means implemented to achieve, or a preparation for the upcoming AEQES 5 years later. This implementation of internal assessments of fields had as a consequence to allow for the assessment of all ULiège fields during this period (excepting, however, medicine and veterinary medicine).

A procedure change appeared when the AEQES performed a follow-up assessment at 5 years; the internal system proposed by the SMAQ thus became obsolete. The CQ is currently focused on support for the assessments requested by the AEQES.

Assessments of administrative services

The active participation of the administration is essential to the success of all strategic projects which would be undertaken at ULiège. As a first step, the quality management objectives of the SMAQ were essentially oriented towards teaching and research entities. A desire to expand them in order to also include the administrative entities of the university was born. Indeed, to ensure its missions and provide the services that the collectivity expects of it, the University needs an efficient administration that demonstrates its credibility by taking part in the institutional quality assessment process.

Central administration services assessments were therefore conducted between 2012 and 2014. These were aimed at the improvement of the services provided by the administration, but also at the improvement of the working conditions of officials and agents by the gradual resolution of the problems hampering them. The development of a common methodology for the assessment of administrative services contributed to implementing a quality policy essential to the proper functioning and management of the University.

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