The university teacher has a double role. On the one hand, to inspire students and help them develop their critical faculties. On the other, they must constantly challenge established knowledge in their field.



aurence Dessart is a graduate of HEC Liège, where she completed her Master's degree in Management Sciences, with distinction. She then obtained her doctorate from the Adam Smith Business School at Glasgow University in the UK. " I taught for three years at KEDGE Business School in France, before joining ULiège. I specialized in marketing, with a particular focus on digital marketing, brand management and consumer behavior, areas in which I teach and research at HEC. " She has published in several leading scientific marketing journals, including the International Journal of Research in Marketing, European Journal of Marketing, Journal of Marketing Management and Journal of Product and Brand Management. Her current research topics focus on consumer engagement, storytelling and virtual reality applied to marketing.

Immersion in a parallel reality

" Virtual (VR) and augmented (AR) realities allow a user to immerse themselves in a parallel reality and project themselves into a realistic environment. " Understanding the extent to which these innovative technologies can impact consumers' decision-making and purchasing processes, and what tangible benefits brands and companies can derive from them: these are the two"fascinating" lines of research she is exploring with her fellow researchers and students.

Double cap

Laurence Dessart gives marketing courses (marketing basics, digital marketing, strategic marketing, brand and reputation management) to students at the HEC École de Gestion de ULiège, day students, part-time students and executive education students.

" The university teacher is a person with two roles. On the one hand, they inspire students, help them develop critical thinking skills and position themselves in the job market. On the other hand, she is constantly challenging the status quo and established knowledge in her field, to drive research forward. These two missions feed off each other," explains Laurence Dessart.

Favorite quote

"What is well understood must be clearly stated,
And the words to say it come easily." 

This quote from Nicolas Boileau, discovered during his studies at HEC thanks to one of his mentors, André Abraham, guides his teaching style and has never left him since. " It's also the essence of good communication, and good marketing positioning! "


Laurence dessart

updated on 5/22/24

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